Get Help

The Office for Title IX and Equal Opportunity oversees the university’s response to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The information below lists your rights and options, and includes information about supportive measures available through our office and the university. 

You may also request a meeting with a staff member to better understand how we can help. 

If you schedule a meeting, we will discuss: 

  • available supportive measures, which are available to you free of charge, and without pursuing an investigation or resolution; 
  • the Nondiscrimination Policy;
  • resolution processes; and 
  • how to initiate an investigation. 

The meeting is designed to give you information to help you decide what to do. You will not be required to share any information about your experience(s). We will not alert the alleged offender should you choose to meet with us for an informational meeting.

After our meeting, you may request supportive measures only, an investigation, or more time to think. 

We are available to speak to you in person or via email, telephone, or video-conferencing; pick the format that makes you feel most comfortable. Please know that you may bring a friend, peer, relative, advocate, union representative, or advisor for emotional support to any meeting with the Office for Title IX and Equal Opportunity. 

If you need our support or have had an experience that you want to share with us, we hope you will reach out. You can visit us in person (Clark Hall, 126), give us a call (408-924-7290 ), send us a text (669-877-0620), email us (, or make an online report.

Make A Report

Below you will find information about reporting options, confidential resources, and other supportive actions that do not require an investigation.

There are several reporting options. Reporting is your choice.

Reporting Tips: If you are interested in an investigation, please save as much information as possible; text messages, social media postings, emails, or voice mail messages may prove relevant. It is also helpful to write down the names or descriptions of potential witnesses.

Report to the Office for Title IX and Equal Opportunity:

You are encouraged to meet with us at any time to discuss your options. Discussing your options with the Office for Title IX and Equal Opportunity does not initiate an investigation. However, it does allow us to preserve any evidence for use should you later choose to initiate a disciplinary investigation.

You may also pursue disciplinary charges against a university student, employee, or a third-party affiliate of the university. The university cannot discipline or sanction a student, employee, or third-party for misconduct without conducting an investigation pursuant to the procedures described in the Nondiscrimination Policy. The university’s investigation process is completely separate from the police and court system and may be pursued without a report to law enforcement.

Report to Law Enforcement:

You can request that University Police keep your identity confidential. If you choose to remain confidential, University Police will only share the name of the alleged offender and general details about the with the Office for Title IX and Equal Opportunity.

Emergency contact: 408-924-2222

Anonymous reporting by voicemail or text at 408-337-2919

Report to Outside Legal Agencies: 

Employees may file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education and/or the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Civil Rights

If you choose to initiate other independent legal action, you may need to obtain legal counsel.

There are confidential resources available in the campus community.

菠菜网lol正规平台 appreciates that you may prefer to access support or receive your options confidentially; meaning, absent signs that there is an immediate safety threat, you can share information with a confidential resource, and they will not share your identity with our office, law enforcement, or anyone else.

Please visit our Confidential Resources page to learn more.

What to do if: